Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Being a real man in politics

Real men can be really thick. I have learnt the hard way that it can take a while for things to sink in; For your thoughts and actions to get in a proper order. My wife has been telling me for years that my help with the washing up can be a real aphrodisiac . I sort of listen but the connections are not fully formed . Last week on The ABC progrm " How to make couples happy " they mentioned that very same point . Now I knew it was true before last week, but education is like that .To be effective it needs to be tested and tested more than twice .Titilation is trouble if isn't followed up with repetition. Good mind connections( we agree with the rationalists here ) are more imporatnt than the hormones , which clearly don't tell you everything you need to know to be a smart cookie; That is , One who knows how to get things done and doesn't blame other things ( or the hormones ) when he refuses to follow the efficient well trodden path to progress ; Like faith really. Why buy bread at a shop that never satisfies.

Locally this week we have all being talking about whether we should have a sex shop in our town. Few seem to understand the difficulty of being a Christian in public life (CPL ). Its a bit like being a mother-too many skills required and if you did them all properly you would be God , Christians are meant to be simple ? No its simple to be a Christian - that is all .
In reality , being a real man in politics means being more than most see it as being . Its not about power, and it not all about knowledge . After all , like the Library named in his families honor, Premier Bailliueu was not short of knowledge ( he was sacked ) CPL is not about preaching morality, but having to sit next to the failed moral experiments all day - Its not all about having fun and expectataion in washing dishes, but watching all the sad substitutues being offered that cost much more and give no satisfaction in the end . It means paying the cost of failure and paying the cost of prevention
CPL is a lot about wisdom. Its not about using your power to tell people what they can or can't do but to try and put guards, rails , signs and fences up . Its about saying no to the growing numbers of adults who refuse to protect and support children .
CPL is doubly hard because we are not into zero tolerence like we might be at home or in church . You see we believe in God being a true freedom advocate. Our God and our Christain heritage supports the freedom of all people to choose what they do - up to a point ; that that doesn't stop us trying to persuade people NOT to do certain things.
Ultimately in the mad world that thinks freedom is everything , to say NO in some circumstances is getting harder and harder , lonelier and lonelier. Our leaders need all the prayers they can get . Understanding the circumstances takes the time we seldom give ( say on FB) . .Solutions then offered by the public ( or through FB) so then often lack the FULL credibility of Proverbs 11:14. Our obligation, whatever our territory, is ( because we will have some and should stick to some ) to take advice and then , and then only, take dominion .
All this is scriptural (sound long standing secure stuff )but who would know with all the messing around with our education (http://misplacedconcreteness.blogspot.com/ ) that has been going on all around us.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Why the Kings and Queens?

And its sounds great -esp with bar chords --ask Jimmy who has insisted on playing it too!
There were obvoiusly many who were very supportive of cause they paid up big to help me go. No I don'tthanks some of them for the great simple reminder that It was a symbol to encourage each one to play out their own cards in life-within a certain paradigm that I saw was being lost .

Amongst the cards I gave out on my decision to leave the public service last week and there decsion to insist on it ,i gave out some cards to those who bought me the wonderfaul guitar pictured . There were no Aces ,J okers , mere numbers or suites (clubs) because those more common symbols of winning cheat you out of an effective view of what authority, influence and calling are all about .
People who i had been to university with and who still have positons of great authority said to me they had "no power to change" –Are they really so weak or do they just think they are .Not a good resaon to put up with all the bullsh that builds behind the floodgates .
I had, without one person to share the growing load, occupied a position at the bottom for 33yrs and without one person,. Yet I am proud of my influence and power . What’s wrong with them ? It is possible to act with authority without grasping at it. It seems that , if you grasp it to desperately , you can lose the very thing you seek .

The cards I gave out were all Kings and Queens . Like Einstein , I think life is a miracle and its result has nothing to do with patronage from Spring street. The very idea that it is , is a cheat and it cheats many--- not just a few .

We all have authority and an ability to help redeem the time with the truth , but do we use it ?
If you still don’t get it , use your imaginations and take your children to see the film "Narnia".
I hope the gifts and ideas were of some help to you as yours will be to me .